Increasing Crimes and How Cyber Security Helps

The Internet landscape is changing drastically, and savvy hackers are constantly adapting their methods to steal and share your information.

There are daily reports of large and small businesses suffering from, sometimes unrecoverable security breaches.

Top 10 Tips To Avoid Phishing Scams

As you all know, phishing is a technique of stealing confidential information by tricking the users. Data might be any passwords, personal and financial information, etc.

Usually, phishing scams are done by hackers using email scam techniques, using platforms of social media networks, smartphones with internet access, and more types of phishing attacks are multiplying.

Seize Top 5 Points on Importance of Cyber Security Awareness

Every business is at risk of cyber-attack. As our reality turns out to be more digitized through progressions in innovation, hacking techniques and digital attacks are progressing as well.

Business activities depend vigorously on technology, including customer service, accounting, communication, and many more.

Louisiana Governor Declares “State of Emergency” After Serious Cyberattacks on School Systems

On 26th July 2019, a severe ransomware attack happened in Louisiana. Ransomware continues to attack public and private computer networks around the globe.

Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards had recently declared a state of emergency after the severe cyber-attack hit on school computer systems in the Parishes of Ouachita (City of Monroe School District), Morehouse and Sabine.

Impact of Dark Web in Today’s World And How Can We Protect Ourselves

What is the dark web?

The dark web is a relatively new term in the modern dictionary now, but surprisingly it had existed since the inception of the World Wide Web! It is like a hidden Pandora’s box; hidden from the common knowledge and accessible only by the ones who had known about it for a long time.

What Is Ransomware And How To Prevent It

In many movies, you must have seen a bad guy kidnapping someone and demanding some money from his/her family. Just bring that scenario to the software world, and that is what a Ransomware is. In clear words, a Ransomware is a piece of software that is designed to encrypt your data to prevent your access and demand a sum of money from you to unlock it.

The Ultimate Guide To CYBER SECURITY

Cyber security is the technical process utilizing tools which protect your programs and networks from any kind of digital attacks. The cyber-attacks are usually aimed to destroy, access or change your sensitive information and your normal business processes.

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5 Hacks to Keep Your IT Security Sorted

Does the thought of being hacked haunt you quite often? If not, then certainly you are not alone. 87% of small business owners are exactly alike in this regard, however you might not be realizing the extent to which many businesses get exposed.