We'll Answer Your Call in 59 Minutes or Less - Our Guarantee. Our expert technicians will respond immediately or return to you within Fifty Nine minutes or less. If your call is not responded to in Fifty Nine Minute, we'll fix it for free.
Ultra Speedy Repairs. Your computer network and your time are too important to wait around for computer repair. That’s where our IT support and computer network support servicescome in. This Network Support San Diego service allows your computer network to be accessed remotely. And if not, we'll send a technician that very same day
We Talk Like You Do. Know that we will answer any computer support & maintenance questions you have so you clearly understand. Don't worry - there is no "geek speak" by our team of IT support technicians.
100% Money Back Guarantee. If you are ever dissatisfied with any service for ANY reason, call and let us know we will refund 100% of the money you’ve paid us this month, for this particular service. All we ask is that you notify us within 72 hours of the unsatisfactory service and before another service begins.
A Clear and Certain Outcome - No Unwanted Surprises. Your network or data will not be damaged, that's a promise. Before we begin computer maintenance services, we check first to see if there are any possible problems and alert you first. Any risks will be clearly explained and we will get your authorization before we begin working. Having your files and data backed up beforehand is another way to go.
Every Project Completed With Strict Accordance to Budget and Time Schedule. We won't surprise you with added or hidden charges as we perform IT consulting and network services. Believe it or not, there are some incompetent and unethical technicians out there, but not us. We do the right thing and make no excuses. Your IT support project will be completed within time constraints, resources, scope and budget.
A Guaranteed Accurate Invoice. Every invoice from us is spelled out in detail and completely accurate. We guarantee it. Since you preapprove all charges, your IT consulting bill will present no "mystery" charges with our computer IT management services
2 Hours of Free IT Support. Complete this form to schedule your Free IT Assessment!
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