Can You Recognize, Is Your Email Been Spoofed Or Not!

Over several days, numerous members' reported receiving an email from their board members, accountants, and management teams, asking them to open an attachment or sending personal details like bank account numbers, etc.

Many got that it's a spam email, but one or two fall victim to the scam.

A Cloud Hosting Firm – iNSYNQ Hit In MegaCortex Ransomware Attack

Recently in mid of July 2019, a ransomware outbreak that hit iNSYNQ, a QuickBooks cloud hosting firm. This cyberattack appears to have started with an email phishing that trapped an employee working in sales for the company.

It is further said that interlopers have been in the internal networks of iNSYNQ for roughly ten days before releasing Ransomware.

Spam Emails Are The Biggest Cause Of Hacking

These days many online businesses spring off daily. They need attention to have anyone using their services. So, in order to gain your attention, they send you e-mails. Sending repeating e-mails with no user’s interest is called spamming. This problem is increasing day by day and is challenging Cybersecurity.

Impact of Dark Web in Today’s World And How Can We Protect Ourselves

What is the dark web?

The dark web is a relatively new term in the modern dictionary now, but surprisingly it had existed since the inception of the World Wide Web! It is like a hidden Pandora’s box; hidden from the common knowledge and accessible only by the ones who had known about it for a long time.

What Is Ransomware And How To Prevent It

In many movies, you must have seen a bad guy kidnapping someone and demanding some money from his/her family. Just bring that scenario to the software world, and that is what a Ransomware is. In clear words, a Ransomware is a piece of software that is designed to encrypt your data to prevent your access and demand a sum of money from you to unlock it.

The Ultimate Guide To CYBER SECURITY

Cyber security is the technical process utilizing tools which protect your programs and networks from any kind of digital attacks. The cyber-attacks are usually aimed to destroy, access or change your sensitive information and your normal business processes.

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