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Google tips that change the way you search

The odds of locating a needle in a haystack is almost zero, whereas the odds of finding the right match on Google Search are slightly better. We live in a world that encourages us to work at the speed of light, but we have so much information at our fingertips. With the help of these […]

Does VoIP have a place in your future?

VoIP has come a long way since the mid-90s when the technology first enabled phone calls over the internet. Thoughtful developments in telephony hardware and software have driven its growth, and enhanced internet functionality has been a key component, too. So as the internet continues progressing, will Voice over IP keep pace? And if so, […]

How does Microsoft FindTime really work?

Theoretically, scheduling meetings should be virtually hassle-free. But in reality, simply agreeing on a mutually compatible time is often an impossible task. On top of hectic schedules, you have different departments that have their own time constraints. What if there was a tool that could take care of all that for you? That’s where Microsoft […]

Network virtualization: why you should care

As difficult as virtualization may be to understand, it continues to march toward widespread adoption. Up until now, the service was mostly limited to making hardware and software resources better allocated based on needs. However, corporate bigwigs AT&T and Verizon are jumping into the game by adding the option to virtualize network services. We’ve broken […]

Best practices for SMB Facebook pages

Considering the most recent stats of Facebook’s daily usage — an astounding 1 billion daily mobile users, to be exact — it’s time to take another look at your company’s page. Even if you’re actively managing your page, changes and updates are so frequent at the social media colossus that there’s likely a feature or […]

Office 365’s e-appointment app: Bookings

We all undeniably have hectic schedules, and they’re made even worse with unorganized meetings, impromptu playdates, and unscheduled yoga classes you were forced to attend. In order to move or cancel appointments, you’d generally have to pick up the phone and call someone, which can be a drag. But with Bookings, you can schedule appointments […]

Two new tools for defeating ransomware

A simple Google search of “ransomware” returns just over 9 million results. So, too, does a search for “Three Mile Island,” the location of the late-70’s Pennsylvania nuclear meltdown. And while we don’t mean to equate the near catastrophe of the latter to having your company’s data hijacked by computer hackers, ransomware can in many […]

Hardware-as-a-Service and its benefits

The new flashy set of PCs your company just bought last year are becoming outdated, and you don’t have enough IT staff to maintain them. The same goes with servers, wireless printers and faxes. If this is your current situation, it might be time to consider changing the way you obtain and manage your hardware. […]

5 ways to get the most out of the latest fads

Have you seen folks wandering around downtown, staring at their phone like it was a map pointing them to a pot of gold? Or ordering pizza over a Facebook chat conversation with an awkward cashier? With some creative marketing and structuring, your SMB could be on the other side of those people’s phones. Tech fads, […]