What Makes Backup And Disaster Recovery Different?

What Makes Backup And Disaster Recovery Different?

The terms backup and disaster recovery are often misunderstood while discussing the growing need to protect data. As security breaches have become common these days it is important to understand the difference between these two. Backup strategy and DR strategy are different and backup strategy is all about having a copy of your data while DR strategy is all about recovering your essential data during the time of disaster. You can hire a back and data recovery services and they will help you out in implementing these systems.

So what is a backup?

As mentioned earlier the backup is a copy of your data from one device to another device or one location to another location. This can be done through the tape drive or through a separate storage location in your data center. Normally backups are performed on a daily basis and that day’s data will be copied and stored away from the original data. This can be done automatically and remotely through the cloud or it can be done manually. By hiring cloud disaster recovery services you can easily able to short down the backup issues.

What is disaster recovery?

It is more than having a backup and it is all about deriving a plan or technical solution to recover the business data during the time of disaster. The DR plan must identify the major systems required to keep your business functioning. So you need to develop proper infrastructure for this. Normally duplicating the infrastructure and replicating the data in real-time during the time of disaster is an effective plan. Although compromises can be made depending upon the budget constraints while implementing effective disaster recovery plans. With the Hundreds of disaster recovery service providers in the market, you can easily implement a perfect disaster recovery system for your business.

Difference between backups and disaster recovery:

Data retention requirements:
Backups are performed on a daily basis to ensure the retention of data at a single location. While disaster recovery always requires the recovery time objective to figure out the maximum time the business can run without IT Systems after a disaster. Probably RTO requires a duplicate of the IT infrastructure in a secondary location to allow the replication between the production and disaster recovery site.

Recovery ability:

Disaster recovery is the process of setting up an alternative environment over the primary environment which can be capable enough to ensure the business continuity. Backups are used as immediate access in the process of restoring the document or files. Here the physical resources are not even required and it can be done through cloud infrastructure. You can also do disaster recovery in cloud computing also. If you find it difficult in implementing the disaster recovering strategies you can hire a cloud disaster recovery services they will help you in sorting this issue.

The need for additional resource:

Backup is simply a copy of day to day data that is intended to be stored to the original source. DR requires a separate production environment to make the data live and it requires different resources like physical resource, software, data connectivity, and security.

Planning process:

Planning for backup is simple and it is a daily routine that is performed in the motto of meeting the data retention requirements. But data recovery strategy always requires additional planning which includes determining the mission-critical and creating a recovery order. Most importantly it must find a way to perform a valid test.
Overall perfect DR will help the proper functioning of your business at the time of disaster and backups will simply help for the data retention process. While installing make sure that which system will help you with your business needs.