Make your hardware last longer with these tips

Hardware management may seem daunting to many, due to the constant changes and developments in the world of tech. But computer upkeep is simpler than it seems. Make hardware management a breeze by following these pointers. ✓ Clean your computer components Wipe down monitors with a clean, static-free, non-abrasive fabric such as computer component-specific microfiber […]

Checklist for managing your IT hardware

Any business owner will be much better off if they’re not worrying about recurring hardware issues. While your company may still have IT hardware problems, you can implement policies to keep your office free from previous issues. Here’s a checklist that can guide you and get you started. ✓ Clean up your computer components Wipe […]

Small-business IT hardware checklist

It’s frustrating to return to the office after a long holiday only to be greeted by a disorganized workstation. If having clean, hassle-free technology is one of your company’s New Year’s resolutions, this technology hardware checklist can help. ✓ Clean up your computer components Wipe your monitor with a clean, static-free fabric; remove excess dirt […]