Google’s game changing Cloud Print service

Despite today’s paperless business environment, every now and then there comes a time when you just have to use a printer. And since many businesses have embraced cloud computing, why not combine the cloud with regular printers? Will these devices enjoy the same benefits that cloud computing businesses enjoy? Find out more about Google’s Cloud […]

“App Maker” is the newest service from Google

Businesses use apps every day to help them complete business tasks. Unfortunately, developing those apps is challenging if business owners don’t have a great deal of programming and coding experience on staff. Google has announced their solution to this problem: App Maker. This is a simple and easy solution to the problem of developing an […]

Reasons Google search is now mobile first

When it comes to using the internet, specifically to search for businesses, information, or specific websites, Google is second to none. This powerhouse in the online community has recently made changes to its search feature and has now become mobile-first. If you are wondering what this could mean for you and for your business, get […]

Google Pixel: is it worth it?

Google is well known for developing the Android operating system and pairing it with hardware manufactured by Samsung and HTC. But this year, Google will be taking a new course — creating its very own smartphone, which can compete with other hi-tech hardware giants like Apple. Google Pixel is the search-engine company’s answer to the […]

Is your Google history 100% gone?

It’s undeniable that we hide skeletons in our closets, your search engine history included. Users might not know this, but Google keeps a full record on EVERY search you have ever made, removed searches as well. If you thought you deleted all your secret searches, think again. Luckily there are things you can do to […]

Google tips that change the way you search

The odds of locating a needle in a haystack is almost zero, whereas the odds of finding the right match on Google Search are slightly better. We live in a world that encourages us to work at the speed of light, but we have so much information at our fingertips. With the help of these […]

Google’s latest improvement to Apps for Work

Like most cloud software platforms, Apps for Work is a great way to untether access to company documents and information from a physical location and allow employees to work more efficiently. However, no matter how much you love Apps for Work it’s always had one pretty glaring flaw. If you use the service or have […]